Articles tagged with: twitter

A few weeks ago I was looking for social media examples from big companies and I came across the Best Buy Twelp Force campaign. I heard about the campaign originally last year when it was …

Yesterday I arrived home from Oklahoma City (I was speaking at the Women Entrepreneurs Inspire conference) and when collecting my mail my attention was drawn to a brown envelope that said Important Information Enclosed. It …

The Early Days of Social Media
When social media first began to emerge as a marketing tool, it was relatively easy for brands to break through and connect with consumers.
Consumers were curious about why brands were …

I was recently at a Cincinnati Web Entrepreneurs Meetup, and we had a brief discussion about asking people to do something for you. The reality is that if you are nice and respectful and people …

This is a presentation that I gave to executives at the European American Chamber of Commerce.
Introduction To Social Media
View more presentations from Krista Neher.
Here are some of the key ideas of the presentation.
Social Media is …

Companies are flocking to twitter as it continues to grow, but many struggle with how to measure the effectiveness of their twitter campaigns.
Measurement continues to be an issue for twitter overall, but fortunately, there are …

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to attend Ad:tech Chicago and listen to some twleaders (twitter leaders – yes it is now officially “hip” to combine any word with twitter by adding tw …

I recently went to a gun range (as a Canadian living the US I am mildly obsessed with American Gun Culture). The experience was thrilling and exciting and fun and scary all at once, and …

I gave this presentation at Search Engine Strategies Toronto a few weeks ago. There is definitely a place for companies to engage in Social Media – people talk about their problems all the time, and …

I recently led a social media strategy presentation for a multi-functional marketing team. I asked how many people were on twitter. Almost every hand in the room went up. Great (I thought). I asked how …