Articles tagged with: Branding

I gave this presentation at Search Engine Strategies Toronto a few weeks ago. There is definitely a place for companies to engage in Social Media – people talk about their problems all the time, and …

I had the honor and priviledge of speaking at wordcamp columbus on Saturday. First of all, what a great event – props go out to the organizers for putting on such a wonderful event.
Second, I …

Today I had the pleasure of presenting to the Word of Mouth group of the AMA (American Marketing Association). We had a great discussion about Online Brand and Reputation Management and social media.
Attached below is …

Today I listened in to a GREAT webinar with David Meerman Scott, author of The New Rules of Marketing and PR: How to Use News Releases, Blogs, Podcasting, Viral Marketing and Online Media to Reach …
But first, a history lesson…
Television adverting has been around since 1941. We’ve had 68 years to perfect it.
Radio advertising has been around since 1922. We’ve had 87 years to perfect it.
This is what TV advertising …

A few days ago I wrote about The Most Important Thing that Your Company can do on Social Media. It isn’t create a facebook page or twitter. It is far more simple.
Find people who are …

Category: Marketing – Branding
I was fortunate enough to get a copy of Personality Not Included: Why Companies Lose Their Authenticity And How Great Brands Get it Back by Rohit Bhargava for free at a BlogHer …

On my way to Vegas for CES (#CES), Affiliate Summit West (#asw09) and WordCamp Las Vegas (#wordcamplv) I had the pleasure of a sweet 2 hour layover at the Cleveland airport.
While wandering around I came …

Brands are kind of like teenagers – they want to be popular and have everyone like them. In the effort to be the cool kid on the block, brands make many of the same mistakes …

Yesterday there was an ariticle in the Cincinnati Enquirer about a marketing partnership between the Cincinnati Zoo and the Creationist Museum. What started as an innocent marketing program – get a discount when you visit …