Articles tagged with: cincinnati

This is a presentation that I gave to executives at the European American Chamber of Commerce.
Introduction To Social Media
View more presentations from Krista Neher.
Here are some of the key ideas of the presentation.
Social Media is …

My blog post today is inspired by going through a final call with my panelists for the Digital Hub Conference tomorrow.
Tomorrow is the start of the Digital Hub Conference (or non-conference), the biggest and best …

Today I had the pleasure of presenting to the Word of Mouth group of the AMA (American Marketing Association). We had a great discussion about Online Brand and Reputation Management and social media.
Attached below is …

Cincinnati hosted Pandora Founder Tim Westergren who shared with us the inspiring story of Pandora at the Fifth Social Media Breakfast.
Pandora Quick Facts
Pandora has 22 million registered users
Pandora’s …

Yesterday there was an ariticle in the Cincinnati Enquirer about a marketing partnership between the Cincinnati Zoo and the Creationist Museum. What started as an innocent marketing program – get a discount when you visit …

The digital non-conference conference put on by the AdClub Cincinnati session “Digital Technology Goes Beyond the Computer Screen, Way Beyond” talked about new technologies, but the “money” of the session was about when, why and …

One of the themes of the Keynote by Adam Symson, EVP of Interactive at E.W. Scripps Television Group was bringing quality and marketing principles into online marketing (you can see more details of his presentation …