Articles tagged with: marketing

I have been thinking a lot about learning and social media marketing lately (I am working on a series of white papers on this subject with some colleagues from P&G).
Today, marketers and ad agencies don’t …

The Early Days of Social Media
When social media first began to emerge as a marketing tool, it was relatively easy for brands to break through and connect with consumers.
Consumers were curious about why brands were …

Marketers often talk about passionate brand enthusiasts and using social media and customer service as tools to create brand loyalists and enthusiasts.
The secret truth is that getting people to like you is often as simple …

I was recently at a Cincinnati Web Entrepreneurs Meetup, and we had a brief discussion about asking people to do something for you. The reality is that if you are nice and respectful and people …

I work with a lot of different clients on social media strategy – big, small, corporate, agencies, small businesses, individuals – and one thing they all have in common is a tendency to focus on …

I recently went to a gun range (as a Canadian living the US I am mildly obsessed with American Gun Culture). The experience was thrilling and exciting and fun and scary all at once, and …

I gave this presentation at Search Engine Strategies Toronto a few weeks ago. There is definitely a place for companies to engage in Social Media – people talk about their problems all the time, and …

I had the honor and priviledge of speaking at wordcamp columbus on Saturday. First of all, what a great event – props go out to the organizers for putting on such a wonderful event.
Second, I …

I recently spoke at SES (Search Engine Strategies) London on a panel about social media, and I gave a presentation on engaging in social media. Check out my fellow panelists (who are extremely smart women …

This question was recently posed on twitter, and many felt that companies should be more open in their social media approaches. Maybe it’s because I worked for a conservative packaged goods company for years, but …